January 09, 2010

Stay creative around the Clock

The real secret to conquering creative burnout and keeping your edge is to prevent your imagination from stagnating in the first place. Try one or more of the following:

1) Keep a Journal: Write these pages every morning. Doesn't matter what. And carry it with you during the day, just in case.

2) Add"change" to your routine: Move your desk across the room. walk a different street. Read someone else's magazines (but ask first)

3) Study a new technique every week: Change brainstroming techniques the way some people ought to change their toothbrushes often.

4) Chill: Ever get an idea while driving? Taking a walk? In the shower? The subconscious does a lot of work while you are relaxing.

5) Paint, draw, play music: Skills that force you to think creatively - but to do things alien to your routine - can jumpstart a slumbering mind.

6) Practice problem solving: Musical people often learn languages faster. People who do crossword puzzles live longer and stay sharper. The mind, it turns out, is a muscle.

7) Read: Walt Disney called Reader's Digest a "gymnasium for training the mind". Even better might be to read some history and science books also.

Drinking more water will help you to loose your weights

If your goal is lose weight and become lean, one of the things you have to do is drink enough water. Not only adeqyate hydration boost your metabolism and speed up elimination, it's likely to help you consume fewer calories too.
Here's some tips how to increase the consumption of more water:
> Drink a glass of water with each meal and between each meal
> Drinl a glass of water before, during and after exercise
> whenever you are tempered to reach for juice, soda, or another high sugar beverage, have a glass of water instead.